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March 23, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – March 23, 2016

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Rud Mason, Richard Bisk and Tom Sullivan.
        Doug Andrysick was in with ANR plan for Joe DiCarlo at 487 Hubbardston Road. It creates a 2-acre lot with 225’ of frontage around his existing house, to isolate it from the remaining 18 acres going into Chapter 61. Received check to cover $100. fee.
Board considered a site plan submitted by Steve Bukowsky for Hunt & Gather at 194 Worcester Road for a proposed “Farmers Market & Outdoor Plant Sales.” His plan illustrated vendor tables for an outdoor farmers market and possible parking locations around the buildings. The vendors will locate around Building #5 and have pop-up tents, 10’ x 10’ and park their trucks in a separate location. He described the procedure for trash removal. Vendors will be given large trash bags and use a dumpster located on the property. Property owner Bruce Jacobson was in also, explaining that he will soon be removing the chain link fence along the frontage and replace it with other type of screen or buffer to funnel traffic into driveways. Board agreed to using the same hours as Hunt & Gather: 6 AM – 9 PM although it’s planned for Sundays at noon – 4 PM right now. The outdoor location is seasonal, and a indoor version will be in the function room at the end of the brick building which his shop is in.
        John M. offered to draft a decision which may be approved at the next meeting. The board signed an Amended Site Plan Review Decision dated March 2 for Hunt & Gather and a Site Plan Decision for Dawn’s Delights—both were approved at the March 2 meeting.

7:57 PM  Tom D. opened the public hearing for the zoning changes slated for the May ATM. The only attendants were Steve B. and Bruce J. Tom read the notice aloud, and John M. described the major points of the Adult Entertainment Bylaw, which limits those uses, as defined, to the Business/Industrial Zone with a special permit. The main reason for the bylaw is to establish control over where adult entertainment might take place.~ State and federal~law does not allow the Planning Board to deny such use altogether (First Amendment rights) , but does allow the Board to regulate location and other reasonable restrictions.~ Our current bylaws have no such restrictions. The proposed bylaw specifies stricter set-backs and requires that the special permit be renewed every two years or if there is change of ownership—similar to ABCC regs.
        The other three proposed zoning amendments are “housekeeping” items. One clarifies wording in the Open Space Residential Design bylaw so that the 100’ setback from other homes refers to homes situated outside the OSRD subdivision. The second item clarifies the priority of the zoning text description over the zoning map, which is too small-scale to provide absolute (surveyed) accuracy. The third item adds the words “which may be mobile” to “food service establishment,” to incorporate food trucks as a food service in the zoning definition.
8:10 PM  Board voted all in favor to close the public hearing. They then voted all in favor to approve the zoning changes as of the Feb. 3, 2016 version and forward the articles to BOS and Advisory Board.
The board will meet with the Fieldstone Farm working group at the April 20 meeting.
8:28 PM  Board voted to approve minutes from March 2 with Tom S. abstaining (as he was absent).
8:36 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   ANR plan w/Form A; Zoning articles; site plan documents from Hunt & Gather Farmers Market

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department